




The Resort District is an assessment district created by Frenchtown Charter Township in 1986 in accordance with Public Act 59 of 1986.  The act permits establishment of such district in order to rehabilitate a definite district.

 A millage vote held in 1986 and a 3 mill levy on all property in the district was approved for 5 years.  This millage was renewed in 1991(5 years),1996 (5 years), 2001(10 years), 2011 (10 years), 2019 (10 years).  Three separate issues of bonds in the amount of 23 million dollars were sold to finance construction.  The construction project included 42 miles of paving, 6 large pumping stations, and over 80 miles of storm drains.  All bonds were paid off in 2001.

 The Resort District is semi-independent of the Township, except the Township Board must approve of the appointment of the Director, board members and annual budget.

 The Resort Authority is governed by a five member board.  Members of the Resort Authority Board are: two members of the Township Board; two representatives of the Resort District living in the district and appointed by the Township Board; and a representative of the largest industry (Detroit Edison).

 The Resort Authority, working with the Monroe County Drain Commission, is responsible for maintaining positive drainage for the area including the six pumping stations.  The Resort Authority also maintains the streets.  In addition, street lighting and drainage assessments are paid by the Resort Authority.

 The Resort Authority Board scheduled an election for renewal of the Resort District in 2019.  The residents of the Resort District voted for the Resort District to be renewed for 10 years ending in 2030.



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©2011 Frenchtown Charter Township Resort District Authority     Last modified: 2-3-14